Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Karl And Natalie Leibensperger AKA My Gynecologist (self-claiming Gynecologist), Spring Hill, Hernando County, FL, scam local patients and Judge helps

From Rip Off Report:

Karl And Natalie Leibensperger AKA My Gynecologist (self-claiming Gynecologist), Spring Hill, Hernando County, FL, scam local patients and Judge helps

I could go into extensive details and back-up what I am stating with legal proof but in a nut shell (yes, this is the short version but still factual): I am currently living in Hernando County, FL. (which corruption rules). A few women in this county are sued every 2-3 months for frivolous cases by the same 'doctor' (Karl and Natalie Leibensperger - Karl does not work (former DO) he only sues women, and Natalie is the unlicensed 'OB/GYN', she does have a DO) (both put up a front of being Christians and HIDE behind their Christian fish symbols) and overseen by the same 'county judge' (Kurt Hitzemann). This doctor (who is no longer licensed to practice medicine) is married to another so-called doctor who does practice OB/GYN without a license to do so. These two are very good friends with one of the 'good old boys' club' judges here. These women set up appointments to be seen by this 'doctor', they are made to wait until they leave or have to reschedule and then are billed for this (not being seen and made to wait). When you contact the 'doctor' in regards to the bill, he is vile, abusive and crude, refuses to listen, and then he sues you (it is very apparent that his only intentions are to sue you). My original bill was for $70.00, I am being sued for $400.00. When these women are sued (the info is public records), they are all labeled/ruled guilty by the same judge, and end up owing/paying TEN TIMES the amount of the amount of the law suit (TEN TIMES, never fails). ALL of these women are self-employed (have their own businesses), over a certain child-bearing age (therefore, they will not be making 'big bucks' on them anymore), AND own property. According to the Tampa Tribune and other media, these judges where selected to expedite foreclosures in Hernando County a few years ago. This 'doctor' purchases three to four homes/properties with a value ranging from $175K to 900K EVERY WEEK and then is able to pay off each mortgage in full and receives the deed/title to these properties and this all occurs THE FOLLOWING WEEK of purchase! (Again, this is all public info). Now like the rest of these women, as a small (actually tiny) business owner, I do not have the funds to pay a lawyer to fight these maggots (that is why they do it). I own two properties, have two mortgages (one large and one that is approximately 1/4th the value of the property), owe HUGE taxes on both properties and home owner's insurance and they know that since this too is public information. I had a 'pretrial mediation' hearing and asked for this judge to be recuse from this case, he denied it. My 'mediation' consisted of the 'judge', myself and the 'doctor', there were no witnesses allowed and no mediator! The 'judge' wanted to force me to say I owe this money; I explained that I had been a patient for over 3.5 years and never had billing/$ issues and always paid what I owed (which was over 21K for prenatal care, delivering my youngest child, postpartum, regular check-ups throughout the years etc.) but that I was never seen, made to wait a couple of HOURS, being promised I was next to be seen, then was told I had to leave because the office was closed and handed a bill for $70.00. When the judge realized I would not be intimidated or tricked into saying that in his own words, 'So you refuse to pay the money you owe My Gynecologist (Leibensperger ) for services rendered?!', I corrected him by stating there were no services rendered therefore there is not bill to pay and if there were services rendered, where are the results of my labs form the lab, not Leibensperger (although Leibensperger told me he could make up any record he wished). Judge Hitzemann ignored my statement along with my TWENTY-ONE pages of documentations backing up what I was stating and continued to try to intimidate and trick me, but it did not work. I mentioned the media to him (the 'judge') and handed him his history with this 'doctor' and their frivolous, illegal law suits and he then claimed, 'We are going to trial and I AM THE JUDGE. I will then determine the outcome of this law suit.' This was a threat, not a legal statement. I have tried contacting the other women involved but have had no success. They are all 'gone', moved from this county with unlisted phone numbers and most I can not find, they disappeared. I have a family of five. I work hard for every cent and then give every cent back to the county to pay my every-growing bills. I need a lawyer but can not afford one and even if I could, not one will go up against these 'gold old boys'...these words have been repeated over and over to me like a mantra. If there are any lawyers out there who want to take on these 'good old boys', please contact me! I have hundreds of pages to prove what I state (I have done the work for you), I just need someone to represent me! Also, if anyone knows how to take on an entire corrupt court system without getting my family hurt, please respond!!! And for everyone else, PLEASE do your homework before selecting a doctor, place to live and all the other 'obvious'.

Hernando County, Florida